Don’t forget! You can enter once a day and increase your chances of winning a new Toyota Prius. Be sure to bookmark and pick “just one thing” every day during the contest.
If you’d like to know more about Toyota hybrid technology, click here to be redirected to information about Hybrid Synergy Drive.
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Green Pays on Green Days InformationPostIt
Each and every day, you can make a difference when it comes to air quality. Simple changes go a long way.
Green Pays on Green Days is an annual public education program led by the Partners for Clean Air, a coalition dedicated to bringing cleaner air to the Chicagoland area. The coalition brings together businesses, health advocacy groups, transportation organizations and government agencies, all committed to reducing air pollution in our communities.
Green Pays on Green Days encourages individuals in the northeastern Illinois region to do “just one thing” to help reduce air pollution. The program educates area residents about “green actions” they can take (for example, taking public transit or using a charcoal chimney when grilling) to help prevent Air Pollution Action Days, which occur when elevated levels of air pollution result in unhealthy air quality.
What is a “Green Day?”
The term “Green Days” relates to the Federal Air Quality Index. The Illinois EPA and Partners for Clean Air work together to collect air quality data and to provide information to the public about the air quality forecast. A Green Day forecast means that air quality should be good. An “Orange” or “Red” forecast means that air quality may be unhealthy. These days may be designated as Air Pollution Action Days. To find out today’s air quality, visit
How Can I Get Involved? How Can I Win?
If you live in the eight-county Chicagoland area (Cook, DuPage, Grundy, Kane, Kendall, Lake, McHenry and Will counties), you can enter the contest for Green Pays on Green Days. To enter online, pick the “one thing” you’ll do to fight air pollution in Chicago, and then complete the entry form.
On each Green Day during the contest season, we select a Green Day Winner from all eligible entries. Each Green Day Winner receives environmentally friendly prizes including an RTA transit check, a Jewel-Osco gift card, reusable grocery bags and compact fluorescent light bulbs.
All Green Day Winners automatically become finalists for the Green Pays on Green Days Grand Prize, which is a Toyota Prius donated by Your Chicagoland Toyota Dealers. To learn more about this ultra-low emission hybrid vehicle, visit
Over the last six years, thousands of Chicagoland residents have taken Green Actions, helping reduce air pollution by as much as 20 tons. Can you do “just one thing?” We’ll all breathe easier!
Toyota Hybrid
2008 Toyota Prius Donated by:
Your Chicagoland Toyota Dealers
Rules: No purchase necessary. Purchase does not increase odds of winning. Participants and winner(s) must be legal U.S. residents at least 18 years old at the time of entry. Participants must be located and residing in one of the following counties in Illinois: Cook, DuPage, Grundy, Kane, Kendall, Lake, McHenry and Will, must hold a valid driver’s license and present proof of insurance to take delivery of the Grand Prize Toyota Prius. Must be present or send proxy to Grand Prize Drawing to win. Date of drawing to be announced. Limit: One Entry Per Person Per Day. Employees of the American Lung Association, NBC, Universal Inc., WMAQ-TV/NBC5, Telemundo,Clear Channel Communications, Inc., Next Media, Your Chicagoland Toyota Dealers, the Illinois EPA and their advertising agencies, employees of other radio or television stations, and members of the immediate family of any such persons are not eligible to participate and win. Additional restrictions apply. Official rules and ways to enter are available at the Green Pays website.
Illinois EPA | State of Illinois | Partners for Clean Air
Copyright 2008.