Today we are answering the question, does Dyson purifier remove smells? The answer is yes, the air will be cleaner for sure, but it will also smell a lot better.
Air purifiers are purchased for a variety of reasons, health being the primary one. An air purifier can remove irritants such as dust, pollen, and pet dander from the air. This is a great benefit to someone who suffers from allergies.
A high quality air purifier, such as a Dyson, can remove dangerous chemicals from the air too, making it another quality health product.
But what about those lucky people who don’t suffer from allergies, who don’t have bad reactions, rashes, or lung irritation from chemical residue in the air, why would they ever consider an air purifier.
Here’s a little tidbit for those that don’t see or need the health benefits of an air purifier, odors are universal, allergy or not, sensitivity or not we’re all susceptible to bad odors.
Let’s dive in to see how the dyson air purifier does its job!

Where do those odors come from in your home?
Odors come from a variety of sources inside and outside your home. That smell the kids brought in on their shoes might disappear from sight when you clean the carpet, but that strong organic aroma is like to linger for a while.
If you took off on a long weekend and forget to empty the garbage before you left, that leftover chicken had a chance to percolate over the last three days in the mid-summer heat and is now a borderline biohazard.
Ok, not really a biohazard, but everyone entering your home knows something foul is in the air.
That Italian dish with all the onions and garlic was a big hit, but so is the smell that strikes your nose when entering the house again after cooking it.
The same is true for the aroma of frying fish, it’s not for everyone and many people list fish odor as one of their strongest complaints.
A final source of odor can be a warning sign of chemical problems.
Chemicals are added to propane and natural gas so you can smell them if there is a leak.
You should always find, and repair the leak when you first smell gas, but after the repair is complete, you’d like to get that petroleum smell out of the house as quickly as possible.
A Dyson air purifier will get the air fresh and odor free again if you give it a little time.
How does the Dyson air purifier remove odors?
A Dyson air purifier hits odors with a combined approach. The first step is an activated carbon filter designed to filter out gas odors by trapping them in the charcoal filter.
The second method is a high quality HEPA filter that can filter out allergens, pollen, dust, dander, and other larger pollutants, pollutants that can carry a foul odor too. Any pollutant larger than three-tenths of a micron will be captured by the fibers in this mechanical filter process.

How does the Dyson Purifier work?
You’re probably familiar with how an air filter traps particles in a HEPA filter, in short, the purifier forces air through a filter that traps and contains the pollen, dust, dander, or other material.
Throw the filter away after it’s saturated and replace it with a new filter.
That’s an easy method to keep your air clean.
What you might not be aware of is the complex process Dyson has put in place with its activated carbon filtering.
The system is more complex than the fiber-based HEPA filter and works on multiple levels with different allergens and other pollutants.
Does the Dyson Air Purifier Remove Cigarette Smoke?
The Five Parts of Dyson’s Charcoal Filtering
- Zeolite Filtering: Zeolites are often used in generating oxygen from the air in medical facilities, but the absorbing quality of the mineral makes it an excellent filtering agent as well. The alumino-silicate mineral is a strong absorber of chemicals, such as ammonia from the air. The microporous zeolite acts as a charged attractant to many chemical pollutants.
- Granular Activated Carbon – These small chunks of activated carbon scrub the air of many of the pollutants that can carry a bad smell. Remove the pollutants, and you take the odor with them. Granular Activated Carbon is a good way to get chlorine and even biological contaminants that carry foul odors such as bacteria out of the air.
- Activated alumina is a product usually found in water filtering, but sometimes the worst smells come in high humidity. Activated alumina can filter air just as easily as it does water. It has the ability to work in very humid settings and is great at removing chemical smells from sources like fluoride and chloride.
- Carbon Block – These compressed little chunks of carbon are your best defense in removing volatile organic compounds, (VOC) from the air. Carbon block is a broad spectrum air cleaning agent and works in a wide range of situations. It can remove contaminants as different as bacteria, and some viruses to chemicals such as chlorine.
- Powdered Activated Charcoal – The final filtering partner is the one that people know the best, you’re old friend activated charcoal. Raw activated charcoal is pulverized to create a powder. In the process, the cleaning properties of activated charcoal are magnified with the additional surface area. Activated charcoal works in accidental positioning, in clearing up chemical ingestion, and for our purposes, it is excellent at clearing impurities from the air.

Methods to improve the efficiency of the Dyson air purifier
A Dyson filter will keep the air clean, but in a dirty, dusty environment you’ll have to change expensive filters often to keep the unit working effectively. Instead of just relying on the air purifier to do all the work, you can help the process, and lower your costs simultaneously with a little extra work.
- Dust your furniture regularly. This gets dust that could become airborne again out of the way.
- Vacuum regularly, not just the carpets, chairs, and couches, but the curtains, drapes, and blinds as well. Captured dust isn’t airborne dust anymore.
- Change the filters in your furnace or air conditioner regularly. These filters aren’t designed to purify the air, but they can help your Dyson air purifier by removing some of the larger, nastier elements that create odors.
- Make sure your Dyson is equipped with a carbon filter. A carbon filter is better at removing smells than a fiber based HEPA filter is.
Your Dyson air purifier is a wonderful device, but you can make it even more effective by changing filters, using carbon based filters if you smell and odor, and by keeping your home dust, and dirt free by regular vacuuming.
Do your part, and your Dyson filter will deliver peak performance.