The Best Air Purifiers for Your Bedroom: 2022 Review

The Best Air Purifiers for Your Bedroom

Whenever springtime comes along, I always find myself in some trouble. 

While I love the weather, the climate, and everyone’s mood, the pollen and dust in the air can sometimes be a bit too much for me to handle. 

A lot of the time, I choose to stay home because I can’t stand my allergies when out in public.

So, you can imagine the stress I feel when the pollen gets into my room and my allergies startup in the comfort of my own bed. 

This is why I decided to get an air purifier. Since pollen and dust were causing my allergies, I figured getting an air purifier to eliminate these particles would be a great solution.

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The Best Air Purifiers with A Carbon Filter [2022]

Best Air Purifiers with Carbon Filters

When I first learned about air purifiers, I was under the impression that HEPA filters were the only filter you need to have. 

However, after some research, I realized another filter that can be just as important: the carbon filter.

While a HEPA filter is excellent for absorbing solid particles, the carbon filter is responsible for the gaseous particles in the air. 

So, it will handle the VOCs, smoke, and even strong odors floating around the room.

That said, not all air purifiers come with carbon filters. 

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The Best Air Purifier For Cat Litter [2022]

The Best Air Purifier For Cat Litter

There are many reasons to buy an air purifier.

For a couple of my friends, it was because they have allergies. And with their air purifihere are much fewer allergens floating around the indoor aimassivehich is a huge relief for many people.

That said, I bought an air purifier for different reasmassive I have a huge affinity for cats, and the four cats I have at home prove that.

However, it still smells throughout the house when my cats use the litterbox (and even when they don’t).

No matter how much I wouldn’t say I like, I can’t stand the smell. But luckily, I learned that certain air could actually remove the smell of litterboxes from the house. So, I went on the market and found an air purifier that works for foul odors like those that come from the litterbox.

It took a lot of research to find the right model, which is why I’m sharing the information I learned in this article. Today, I’ll go through five of the best air purifiers to place near the litterbox to remove foul odors.

I’ll also explain some of the things to consider when finding an air purifier for cat litter to give you a much easier time.

Let’s dive into it!

Levoit Core 400S – The Best Overall Pick

I’m kicking off this list with the option that I found to be the best on the market.

I bought this air purifier for my home and placed it near the litterboxes.

This is because of the design, functionality, and cool features of this Levoit model.

The first thing I want to highlight with this model is the filtration system. This model has a 3-stage filtration system with a pre-filter, activated carbon filter, and an H13 HEPA filter.

The activated carbon filter does an incredible job at absorbing harmful scents from the air and keeping the house smelling fresh, even with the multiple litterboxes inside.

On top of that, the HEPA fitler makes a huge difference in air quality.

Since I have a few cats, there’s a lot of pet fur and dander floating around.

With the HEPA filter, these particles (along with dust and pollen) get trapped inside the filter, meaning they don’t end up in my lungs.

Another cool feature of this air purifier is that it’s a smart cleaner.

This means that I can connect it to my phone and adjust the settings accordingly. I’ve even made a schedule that the air purifier follows so that it’s off when I’m away from home and automatically turns on 15 minutes before I get back.

It was hard to find something I didn’t like with this model. But if I had to nit-pick a flaw, it would probably be the build quality.

While it feels solid, the bottom of the air purifier does feel like it’s made out of cheap plastic, which isn’t a big deal, but it definitely could have been better.

But aside from that, I didn’t really have any problems with this model.

So, if you need an air purifier for a place near your litterbox, this is one of the best models I can recommend.


  • It comes with smart features
  • Great filtration system
  • Easy to use
  • A great choice to place near the litterbox
  • Relatively affordable


  • Build quality could have been better

Coway Airmega AP-1512HH – The Best Air Purifier with Timer

You may not realize it right away, but having a timer function for your air purifier could be very valuable.

This is because a timer allows you to keep the air purifier on constantly while you’re at home without worrying about turning it off when you leave, saving you a fair amount on your electricity bill.

I decided to feature this air purifier because it has a great timer system.

With this purifier, you can easily select the different timer options without much fuss.

Additionally, it has a modern design that would fit in really well inside the home.

This air purifier has a box-like design. This is a bit different from the round and tower-like air purifiers on the market.

This is great for a household with cats because it’s very stable and won’t topple over if your feline friend accidentally touches it or brushes on the sides.

On top of that, it comes with a four-stage filtration system.

Like the Levoit model, it has a HEPA filter, pre-filter, and activated carbon filter. The fourth stage in the filtration system is an ionizer.

And while this feature reduces the air particles, I recommend not using it since it can produce ozone gas, which is fairly dangerous in small and enclosed spaces.

Aside from the ionizer, this air purifier doesn’t come with that many flaws. It can easily handle larger rooms like the living room and also has adjustable fan speeds depending on your needs. It’s also relatively affordable, making it a top model in today’s market.


  • Comes with a four-way filtration system
  • Boxy and stable design
  • Comes with a great timer feature
  • Easy to use
  • It comes with a filter replacement indicator to let you know when you have to change the filters


  • Has an ionizer feature (which you can turn off)

Hamilton Beach PureAir – The Best Air Purifier For Cat Litter on a Budget

I have to start this section by saying this won’t be the most powerful air purifier you can buy.

However, if you have a relatively small space and want to get rid of that smell from the litterbox, this is a great option that can also save you a fair amount of money.

So, if you’re on a tight budget and need a good air purifier, this is a great option.

Despite the low price, this model has many great features.

To start, it has two activated carbon filters.

This is how it can absorb pet odors and litterbox scents so well. So, even if you don’t place this air purifier near the litterbox, you won’t have to worry about the smell.

On top of that, it comes with a HEPA-grade filter.

That said, it doesn’t state the specific grade of HEPA filter, so it may not be the best one on the market.

However, any true HEPA filter can capture both small and large particles, making this a great choice nonetheless.

Another cool feature of this device is that it’s silent.

Cats have pretty sensitive ears, so the low hum of an air purifier may be annoying to some felines.

So, the fact that this air purifier functions at a relatively low noise level is a great feature that makes it one of the best budget air purifiers available today.


  • Very affordable
  • Comes with a HEPA filter
  • It has two activated carbon filters
  • Silent operation
  • Easy to use


  • Not the strongest air purifier on the market
  • Not great for larger areas

BlueAir 211+ – The Best Air Purifier for Large Rooms

This is a great option if you have a fairly large area where you place the litterbox.

The BlueAir 211+ is arguably one of the most popular air purifiers available today, and for a good reason, too.

This air purifier operates at a very low noise level, which means that the hum of the air purifier will bug neither you nor the cat.

On top of that, it works fast.

Despite the low-noise operation, the air purifier has a very good HEPA and activated carbon filters. So, the air will be clean in a matter of minutes when you turn this machine on.

Even if the smell of the litterbox is really strong, all you have to do is leave this air purifier on for a couple of minutes, and you won’t have to worry about it anymore.

Additionally, this air purifier is really easy to use. Unlike other complicated air purifiers, this model only has one button.

You can easily press it to turn it on and leave it be.

It has an automatic sensor to adjust the fan speed and strength depending on air quality, which is another great feature.

If I had one complaint with this air purifier, it would be the price.

While it’s a great air purifier, there’s no denying that it’s one of the pricier models on the market.

But if you’re ready to invest in a top-quality air purifier, that shouldn’t be a problem.

If you’re willing to spend this much on an air purifier, it should delight you to know that you get your money’s worth with this model, even if it’s more expensive than a couple of other air purifiers on the market.


  • Very easy to use
  • Incredibly silent operation
  • Comes with a great filtration system
  • Ideal for both small and large rooms
  • Automatically adjust fan speed depending on air quality


  • Relatively expensive

Medify MA-50 – The Best Premium Option

If you really want to get the best air purifier on the market, this is the pick for you.

Granted, this is also one of the more expensive options available.

However, rest assured that this air purifier is worth every penny you’ll spend and comes with premium features to match.

To start, it can handle very large areas.

It states that this air purifier can handle areas up to 2,200 square feet.

So, not only will it handle the room where it’s placed, but it can effectively clean the air on an entire floor, which is a great feature.

And while it has four fan speeds, you can rest assured that all of the speeds are very quiet. So, you don’t have to worry about the air purifier getting too loud and annoying people in the house.

On top of that, it has a true H13 HEPA filter and a carbon filter with carbon pellets to absorb harmful gases and odors.

Another cool feature of this air purifier is that it has UV light. Air purifiers with UV lights are a great investment as they will be able to sanitize an area truly.

There’s no doubt in my mind that this is one of the best air purifiers on the market, and if it were available at a lower price, this definitely would’ve been the one I chose for my apartment.


  • Can handle areas up to 2,200 square feet
  • Very silent operation
  • Comes with an H13 HEPA filter
  • Equipped with a carbon filter
  • Has four different fan speeds


  • Fairly expensive

Can Air Purifiers Get Rid of Foul Odors?

Certain air purifiers can remove foul odors.

However, remember that not all air purifiers are designed this way. So, if you want to get an air purifier specifically to handle the litterbox smell at home, you need to find the suitable model.

One of the best indicators of whether or not an air purifier can handle foul odors is the presence of activated carbon filters.

Air purifiers with activated carbon filters can absorb foul odors as well as harmful VOCs that are present in the indoor air.

So, if you need an air purifier for your litterbox at home, make sure that you get one with an activated carbon filter.

If your air purifier doesn’t have an activated carbon filter, it will be able to cleanse the air, but it won’t do much about the smell.

Finding an Air Purifier to Place Near the Litterbox

The thing about modern air purifiers is that there are tons on the market today.

If you head on Amazon or even go to your local appliance store, there’s a high chance you’ll find many air purifiers for sale.

While having all these choices is nice, choosing the right option makes it really hard.

So, here are some key considerations to keep in mind when shopping for an air purifier to a place near the litterbox.

That way, you’ll be able to look at all the options and easily distinguish which ones are good options and which ones aren’t.

A Good Filtration System

The first thing you want to consider is the filtration system. Your air purifier should have an activated carbon filter to handle foul odors.

Bad smells or odors include smells from your kitchen, odors leftover from a smoker, and the pungent scent emanating from the litterbox.

That said, while an activated carbon filter is necessary if you want to place the air purifier near the litterbox, it isn’t the only thing you need to find.

If you want an air purifier that can provide you with as many benefits as possible, it’s best to look for options with a multi-stage filtration system.

These air purifiers can easily eliminate harmful particles and pollutants in the air, along with any foul odors that may be present.

So, along with the activated carbon filter, it may be good to buy an air purifier with a pre-filter and true HEPA filter.

It may be beneficial to prioritize the authentic HEPA and activated carbon filters.

That way, you don’t have to deal with pesky allergens like dust, pollen, and pet hair while eliminating the smell of the litterbox.

Size & Noise

Another thing to consider is the size of the air purifier. For air purifiers near litterboxes, you don’t want one that’s too big. Remember, cats are playful animals.

So, if the air purifier is too tall, they might end up knocking it over and damaging the machine.

On top of that, you also have to consider the size of the room. You always want to buy an air purifier that’s the right size for the room. So, before looking at the different options, I recommend measuring the room and finding air purifiers designed for rooms of that size.

Additionally, you may also want to get an air purifier that isn’t too noisy.

Aside from being playful, cats are also sensitive animals. If there’s a loud air purifier near the litterbox, the cats might get spooked and stay away from it, leading to the cats relieving themselves in other areas of the house.

This can be an even bigger problem than the scents from your litterbox, so ensure that your air purifier won’t end up annoying your cat too much.


Lastly, we highly recommend that you check out the different modes of the air purifier.

If you plan on leaving the air purifier near the litterbox, it might be a good idea to get an air purifier that has an automatic mode. When you do this, the air purifier will automatically adjust depending on the air quality around it.

So, the air purifier will run harder whenever the litterbox smells a bit more than usual.

That way, you never have to think about any foul odors ruining your day.

Of course, just because you have an air purifier doesn’t mean you can forget about the litterbox.

While the foul scent will be greatly reduced, cleaning the litterbox regularly is still important to remain sanitary and safe for your pet. 

Best Air Purifier for Cat Litter – Conclusion

And that ends my list of the best air purifiers for cat litter.

Rest assured that any of these air purifiers will be great choices.

Still, I made sure to include a lot of variety on this list because everyone has different needs and preferences with their air purifier.

But once you choose the right option, all that’s left to do is head out and buy one yourself.

From there, you’ll never have to worry about foul and strong scents from the litterbox again!

Which Way Should an Air Purifier Face for Maximum Effect?

Which Way Should an Air Purifier Face for Maximum Effect_

When I got my first air purifier for allergies, I was more than excited to put it to the test. I got it during the springtime, and as a person with severe allergies, having a device that could eliminate harmful allergens from the air was more than welcome.

However, I didn’t notice much difference when I turned my air purifier on, if I were to be completely honest.

This bummed me out, as I was super excited to finally have a spring season where I’m not sneezing all the time in my own home.

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Putting Your Air Purifier Near Your TV Is A Terrible Idea

Air Purifier Near TV? Is This A Good Spot for Your Air Purifier_

I was incredibly excited when I got my first air purifier. 

The second it arrived, I immediately unboxed it and tried to get it to work. The thing was, I had no idea where to put it.

This was when I figured placing it next to the TV would be a great spot.

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Can You Use a Ceiling Fan With An Air Purifier?

Can You Use a Ceiling Fan With An Air Purifier?

One of the main concerns I had when I bought my first air purifier was how it would work with my other appliances. 

In my office alone, I have a regular fan and a ceiling fan to keep me cool during the hot summer days. 

It wouldn’t be ideal if I had to give up one of the devices to make way for my air purifier.

I wondered if I could use a ceiling fan with my air purifier for the longest time until I did some actual research.

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Do Air Purifiers Make The Room Cold

Do Air Purifiers Make The Room Cold?

I live in a pretty warm part of the country. This means that when the sun’s out, which is most days of the year, I’m constantly looking at ways to keep my small room nice and cool throughout the day.

On top of that, my city is also pretty polluted. And so, keeping the window open isn’t the best of ideas since I don’t want to breathe in the heavily polluted air all day long.

That’s why I thought of buying one of the best air purifiers for a small room like mine.

After all, these appliances will allow me to not think about the pollution as much when I keep my window open during the day.

However, this got me thinking that since air purifiers have fans, maybe they can cool down the room as well.

So, I started digging for more information on the internet and found that many people shared the same thoughts as me.

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Should the Room Be Closed When the Air Purifier is On?

Can an air purifier be too big for a room - purifier in a corner

I’ll happily admit that I had no idea how to use an air purifier when I first got one.

I vividly remember when the air purifier arrived at my home, I quickly opened it up, plugged it in, and turned it on.

I did no prior research on how to use the air purifier or how to make the most of it, which I realized a little later in the day when the air quality wasn’t particularly different before turning the unit on.

It was a really warm day, so the windows and doors in my home were open.

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Air Purifiers Without HEPA Filters: Are They Worth It?

Air Purifiers Without HEPA Filters- Are They Worth It?

When I first started looking for an air purifier, everyone told me to go for options that had HEPA filters. Whether it was my friend, the salesperson, or some person on Reddit, almost every person I went to for advice couldn’t stop talking about HEPA filters.

And while I was ready to listen to their advice, there was one small problem: air purifiers with HEPA filters are expensive.

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Will an Air Purifier Help With Humidity?

Will an Air Purifier Help With Humidity_

Before getting my first air purifier, I had a lot of questions.

First of all, I wanted to know how it would help me. But as a person with severe seasonal allergies, it didn’t take long for me to figure out the biggest benefit I could get from my air purifier.

That said, I wanted to learn what else the air purifier could do for me. And that’s when I looked at whether an air purifier could help with humidity.

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